During the summer, the airline BRA launched a direct route to Gothenburg and Stockholm Bromma from Skellefteå Airport. The routes turned out to be a great success and therefore BRA has decided to fly the direct route to and from Gothenburg even during the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The airline BRA established two routes from Skellefteå during the summer, to and from Gothenburg and Stockholm-Bromma. The airlines became very popular and traffic expanded.
Throughout the autumn, Stockholm-Bromma has been operated with two trips each week on Thursdays and Sundays, which suits both weekly business travelers and weekend private travelers.
Now the airline BRA has decided to expand operations in Skellefteå with direct flights to and from Gothenburg during the Christmas and New Year holidays. In total, the route to Gothenburg will be operated with five round trips between 22 December and the last arrival on 7 January.


BRA also flies two trips per week to and from Stockholm-Bromma, a route that the company plans to continue with and will also extend during the winter and spring.






The trips can already be booked today at www.flygbra.se

5 departures and arrivals, a total of 720 seats offered


The ATR 72-600 is the world’s most climate-efficient regional aircraft.

All travelers can choose MiljöClass on all departures, which is a ticket where fossil fuel is exchanged for biofuel. All trips made with BRA are also fully climate-compensated.

Planned timetable

For the exact timetable, see www.flygbra.se/skelleftea


Skellefteå – Gothenburg

Dec 22 22:05
Dec 26 12:45
Dec 27 11:00
Jan 3 11:00
Jan 7 11:00


Gothenburg – Skellefteå

Dec 22 19:40
Dec 26 15:10
Dec 27 13:45
Jan 3 13:45
Jan 7 13:45



For more information:

Martin Erkenborn

Commercial manager

070-668 62 65


Robert Lindberg CEO
Skelleftea Airport
070 551 70 75