Information before you travel
SAS – Check-in opens 75 minutes before scheduled departure. Check-in/baggage drop closes 40 minutes before departure. Boarding closes 20 minutes before departure.
If you are traveling with SAS or Norwegian you can use the self service check-in machines at the airport if you have not already checked in online. If you are checked in, you can use the machines to print baggage tags and leave your baggage at Bagdrop.
RYANAIR – Baggage check-in opens 2 hours before scheduled departure. Check in online via Ryanair´s website, your mobile or Ryanair´s app no later then 2 hours before departure to avoid extra fees at the airport. Baggage drop closes 40 minutes before departure. Boarding closes 30 minutes before departure.
NORWEGIAN – Check-in opens 75 minutes before scheduled departure and closes 30 minutes before departure. Boarding closes 20 minutes before departure.
CHARTER Check-in usually opens 2 hours before scheduled departure and closes 1 hour before departure.
Passengers are always responsible about what applies for their flight through their airline and for keeping informed about updates.
Passport, Visa & ID
When you travel You must always be able to identify yourself. When flying domestic, a driver’s license or ID card is sufficient. If you are traveling abroad, you must ensure that you have the correct travel documents required for entry into the country you are traveling to.
If you are a Swedish citizen, you can apply for a passport or national ID card from the Police. Read more on the Police’s website.
Some countries require the passport to be valid for a certain period of time after entry. You should find out what applies in the country you are going to. Contact the embassy or consulate of the country in question.
Passport validity period for travel to Türkiye
From 1 January 2015, the passport must be valid for at least 150 days (five months) upon entry into Türkiye.
Passport or national ID card required for travel to France
From 16 November 2015, all travelers to France need to prove their identity with a passport or national ID card before departure. Travelers are therefore encouraged to bring a passport and / or national ID card.
To be able to travel to certain countries, a visa is required. Contact the country’s embassy/consulate for more information on visas and how to apply.
Weight and dimension
Regulations for weight, dimensions, overweight, hand luggage and price for luggage vary depending on the airline, destination and ticket category. Therefore, we always refer your questions about luggage to your airline or tour operator.
Lost, delayed or damaged luggage
Report lost, delayed or damaged luggage to the airline’s representative at the information desk in the departure hall.
If your bag is delayed, we will do our best to get it to you as soon as possible. Under normal circumstances, 95% of all delayed luggage is found within 24 hours. Start by submitting a report directly at the airport by notifying one of our representatives or using our self-service counter at the information desk at Skellefteå Airport.
When you submit a report, you will receive a reference number / PIR receipt (eg SFTSK12345) shortly via email that you can use to track the status of the bag online. We will also keep you informed via email about the status of the bag and contact you when we have found it to arrange any delivery.
You can track your luggage online via these links:
Baggage search tool SAS
Log in with your reference number (five letters and five digits, for example SFTSK12345). Please note that it is not the same number that is printed on your luggage receipt. Please ensure that your name, address, flight information and bag details are correct. In the event of any changes, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can update your file accordingly. You can make some changes / additions online yourself. This information helps us to return your luggage quickly.
Further thoughts email us primarily at we will contact you as soon as possible. Write “Lost baggage” in the subject line.
You can check in via your mobile or computer, at a self-service check-in machine or at a check-in counter.
Keep in mind that when you check in via mobile or computer and also want to check in luggage, you need to print out luggage tags in a self-service check-in machine or ask the staff for help.
The airlines have different recommendations for when you need to check in. Therefore, contact your airline or tour operator about what applies to your trip, or call / email us and we can answer this. Also keep in mind that you must be prepared to identify yourself, so bring your ID card or passport, depending on where you are traveling.
Security check
Before you can board the aircraft, you must pass through a security check, this applies to all passengers and is a requirement from the Swedish Transport Agency. The security check is to find objects that are forbidden to take to so-called areas of authority at the airport and on board the aircraft. An area of jurisdiction is the area where passengers are after the security check and until they board the aircraft.
Tips before the security check
Have your boarding pass ready to show when you arrive at the security checkpoint. You do not need to show a passport here.
- At the security check, you must show your plastic bag with liquids, that will go through X-rays.
- You must also show any liquid medicines, baby food and diet food.
- You must remove outerwear, that will go through X-rays.
- Take normal-sized laptops and other similar-sized electronic equipment out of your bags. All X-rays.
- Do not carry mobile phones, keys, coins and other small metal objects on you, but put them in your hand luggage even before you pass the security check. That way, it does not give any effect when you pass the arch and the control is smoother for all travelers.
- Place your hand luggage on the conveyor belt for the X-ray machine and pass through the metal detector yourself.
- If you try to take something classified as a prohibited object or too much liquid through the security check, it will be taken away from you.
More detailed information about security at the airport and lists of what is not allowed on board can be found at The Swedish Transport Agency’s website .
Traveling with children
Nursing room
Nursing rooms can be found in the arrival hall and departure gate.
Unaccompanied minors
In general, children must be at least five years old to travel on their own. For children between the ages of five and eleven, the vast majority of airlines offer assistance services. The requirement is then that two named persons leave and pick up the child at the airports. Some airlines also offer assistance for older children.
Assistance service means that the child is taken care of before the flight and accompanied to the aircraft. Upon arrival, there are staff on site who meet the child at the gate and hand over the child to the person specified at the time of booking. The person must be able to identify themselves.
Solo traveling children receive special attention and help in the event of a delay or other disturbances. It is important to book the trip well in advance of departure, as the number of unaccompanied children per flight is limited. Also, make sure to check in well in advance.
The person leaving the child will be asked to help with the check-in formalities and to stay at the airport until the aircraft has taken off. Remember that children must have their own EU card to be entitled to medically necessary medical benefits when traveling within the EU / EEA (except when traveling within the Nordic region).
Traveling with animals
Are you planning to travel with animals? Most companies allow smaller animals in the cabin while larger animals are allowed to travel as checked baggage. Normally, the cage must not exceed the dimensions and weights that apply to hand luggage. Airlines usually charge an extra fee for the animal, but not for the guide dog. It is important to say about the animal when booking as the number of animals on board is limited. Contact the respective airlines for information, rules and booking of your trip.
Assistance disability
If you have a disability or reduced mobility, you should have the same opportunity to travel as everyone else. One recommendation is to plan your trip and inform your airline in good time of your wishes and needs, as there are restrictions on the number of people with assistance needs per flight.
If you have reduced mobility that makes special demands during the flight, you must state this already when booking the flight ticket.
The airlines forward the information to the airport, which is responsible for escorting you when you are at the airport. Remember to be clear about what needs you have during the trip. Without knowledge, staff cannot provide the best possible service.
Right to escort at the airport
According to EU rules, people with reduced mobility are entitled to escort if the booking is made no later than 48 hours before the stated departure time. If the booking is not made on time, you will still receive help at the airport, but the staff may not be able to provide exactly the service you want.
Book an escort if you:
- Need special services to get to and from the aircraft and to get on board.
- Uses portable oxygen equipment
- Is wheelchair bound and uses a wheelchair or electric / battery-powered wheelchair
- Has impaired vision or hearing and needs immediate information
- Bring a guide dog
Pick up point – where you meet the companion
A pick up point is a place outside or inside the airport building where passengers with reduced mobility can report their arrival at the airport and request an escort. You will be assisted from pick-up point or check-in to the gate and on board the aircraft to the aircraft seat. You can be escorted either from a pick-up point at the airport area or at check-in.
Pre-ordered escort
To be accompanied, you must register at a pick up point / check-in no later than two hours before the stated departure time. In specific cases, a time for notification may be set in advance by the airline/tour operator in consultation with the airport. At Skellefteå Airport, one hour before departure is enough.
The airports and airlines are helped to ensure that everyone with reduced mobility receives the best possible service.
Guide dog
When booking, state that you are traveling with a guide dog. Also contact the airline well in advance of departure as the rules for traveling with a guide dog may differ between countries.
Guide dogs are usually allowed to travel with their driver in the cabin. The dog is not included in the weight limit that applies to ordinary luggage and does not have to sit in a cage when traveling in the cabin. Guide dog costs nothing extra.
Check the rules of the country you are traveling to
You as the owner must check the rules that apply to bringing the dog into the country you are traveling to. It is especially important to check which vaccinations the dog must have and which quarantine rules apply.
Airport terminals are often large and difficult to understand. Visually impaired passengers, like other people with reduced mobility, are helped by the airport’s companion to get from the check-in counter to the aircraft.
The companion helps to find the right place in the aircraft.
Your own wheelchair must not be brought into the plane
When booking the trip, indicate that you use a wheelchair. It is not possible for wheelchair users to bring their own wheelchair in the cabin. The wheelchair is always transported in the aircraft’s cargo space. It is transported free of charge and is not included in the permitted amount of luggage.
Medicine on the go
However, medicines, children’s and diet foods are excluded. You can take as much prescription medicine with you in your hand luggage as you need during your absence.
Over-the-counter medicine (lens fluid, cough medicine, nasal drops, etc.) you must first bring as much as you need during the actual flight. But you can bring over-the-counter medicine for your entire away item if you are unsure whether you can buy the product at the destination or if it is only available in larger packages.
Medicines do not have to be in plastic bags, but remember to pack liquid medicines so that you can easily show them at the security checkpoint at the airport.
Read more about what applies to medicine, baby food and diet food on Transportstyrelsen website
For the importation of classified drugs for personal use in the EU / EEA countries, you must be able to present a certificate proving your right to take the medicines with you. This applies regardless of whether you have the medicine in your hand luggage or checked in in your luggage. Drug-classified drugs include many sleeping pills, sedatives and strong painkillers. You turn to Apoteket to get a so-called Schengen certificate issued.
If you are unsure whether your medicine is classified as a drug in Sweden, you can contact your pharmacy or the Medical Products Agency.
However, the classification of drugs may differ between countries. The rules that apply to the introduction of these medicines can also vary from country to country. Therefore, contact the country’s embassy for further information.
Except EU and EEA
If you travel from Sweden to countries outside the EU / EEA area, you should contact the visiting country’s embassy to inform you about the rules that apply to the import of drug-classified medicine. You should always be able to prove that the medicines you have with you are intended for personal, medical use, for example through a medical certificate in a suitable language.
Liability & compensation
At Skellefteå Airport, we use IATA’s rules on “Liability and Compensation” from IATA SGHA 2018 AHM 810, Article 8.
If you want to read more, you will find the entire text here .
Climate-smart traveling
The players in the aviation industry are working hard to reduce aviation emissions, which today account for about 1 percent of Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions. The goal is a fossil-free domestic flight in 2030 and a foreign flight in 2045. Through the industry association Svenskt Flyg, the Swedish aviation industry has developed a roadmap for how Swedish aviation can become fossil-free. Read more at Fossil-Free Sweden
Even today, as an air traveler, it is possible to make a big difference to the environment.
Skellefteå Airport offers the public sector, business and private individuals the opportunity to fly with reduced climate impact from Skellefteå Airport. Skellefteå municipality has also, as one of the first municipalities in the country, made the decision to reduce the climate of domestic flights from Skellefteå Airport by using fossil-free aviation fuel.
The fossil-free fuel is supplied by AirBP. The raw material is used cooking oil, but alternative aviation fuels for today’s aircraft can also be produced from residues from the forest and food industry, household waste and also carbon dioxide collected from the air.
Opening hours
Telephone and information opening hours:
Monday – Thursday: 05:00-23:15
Friday: 05:00-:20:15
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: 13:15-23:15
Opening hours may vary depending on flight departures/arrivals.
See further on arrivals/departures.
For charter departures earlier than 06:30, we open 2 hours before departure.
The gate to the airport is open during these times, at other times the gates are closed and parking areas are not available.
Times updated 241006