In 2022, 267,516 travellers travelled to or from Skellefteå, which is 139,078 more travellers than in 2021. The number of domestic passengers was 259 844, an increase of 132 107. This means that the number of domestic travellers was only
5 608 fewer passengers than the number of passengers the airport had in 2019 before the corona pandemic.


Skellefteå Airport is one of the fastest recovering airports in Sweden after the corona pandemic. When the 2022 traffic figures are presented, they show that the airport was only -5 608 (-2.1%) domestic passengers away from the number of passengers it had in the year before the corona pandemic. The number of international passengers in 2022 was 7,672, which is 6,971 more than in 2021 but 13,955 fewer than in the normal year 2019. A total of 267,516 passengers travelled to or from Skellefteå last year, which is 139,078 (+108.3%) more than in 2021 and -19,563 (-5.1%) more than in 2019.

– We are very grateful for the quick recovery. The Skellefteå region is in an expansive phase with many investment projects and a great need for good air communications. 2023 is currently looking very positive with strong increases in both domestic and international traffic, says Robert Lindberg, CEO of Skellefteå Airport.


For more information:

Robert Lindberg
Skellefteå Airport
+46 70 551 70 75