Norwegian continues to develop its route network and today launches direct flights between Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Skellefteå. The launch will take place in connection with Norwegian CEO Geir Karlsen’s participation in the Almedalen Week in Visby, where he will meet representatives from Skellefteå Municipality.

– The development in Skellefteå with many companies investing heavily in the region increases the need for good accessibility to the outside world. At present, there is a limited range of flights to and from Skellefteå and it is therefore gratifying that we can announce today that we will start flying between Stockholm and Skellefteå, says Norwegian CEO Geir Karlsen.

Rapid growth means there is a strong need for more direct flights to the region. The economy is developing with both new businesses and expansions of existing businesses. The number of inhabitants in Skellefteå is expected to increase from just under 78,000 today to 90,000 in 2030 and to 100,000 by 2040.

-Skellefteå is the municipality that has grown the most in terms of population in Sweden during the first part of the year. They also invests the most per capita. Having a good infrastructure for traveling is an important piece of the puzzle in the entire transformation of society, so it is gratifying that Skellefteå Airport and Norwegian today can present this establishment, says Kristina Sundin Jonsson, Municipal Director in Skellefteå.

– Skellefteå’s rapid growth requires good accessibility to the outside world. Here at Skellefteå Airport, we see a good influx of passengers and space to expand traffic with a new player. I know that this is an important announcement for the business community, the residents and the tourism industry in Skellefteå, says Robert Lindberg, CEO of Skellefteå Airport.

About the new route:
The direct route between Stockholm Arlanda Airport and Skellefteå will operate five days a week; on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays starting October 28, 2024.

Norwegian operates an extensive route network, offering 340 routes to over 120 destinations during the summer months. Norwegian destinations are available at